ASNT NDT Level III Basic Questions-Answers Bank

ASNT NDT Level III Basic Questions-Answers Bank

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  1. Products used in load carrying applications require more careful testing because?
    a.Failure can cause loss of life
    b.Failure can cause loss of use of the product
    c.Failure can be expensive
    d.Failure can cause danger to other structures
    e.All the above
  2. Loads which are most likely to cause failure are?
    a.Single direction
    b.Multi directional
    c.Duo directional
    d.Pahse orientated
  3. The general term for a local variation in material continuity is called?
    a.A discontinuity
    b.A defect
    c.An indication
    d.A crack
  4. Where an unacceptable condition occurs in a material, due to local variations in material continuity the term given specifically to this is?
    a.A discontinuity
    b.A flaw
    c.A defect
    d.Any of the above
  5. Which of the following could be considered a discontinuity?
    b.Change of section
    c.Drilled holed
    d.All the above
  6. The study and description of a material property related to analytical studies and testing attempts to quantify the toughness of a material is
    known as?
    a.Fracture mechanics
    b.Acceptance standards
    c.Defect reliability
    d.Defect analysis
  7. A flaw which is deemed to be unacceptable standards is called?
    a.A discontinuity
    b.A defect
    c.An indication
    d.A blemish
  8. Which of the following is NOT considered a mode of failure?
    b.Plastic deformation
    d.Elastic deformation
  9. Brittle fracture is most likely to occur?
    a.At high temperatures .
    b.At low temperatures
    c.Under cyclic loading
    d.In a corrosive environment
  10. NDT is generally not carried out on cast irons because?
    a.Cast iron is inherently free from major defects
    b.Due to the high carbon content cast iron can withstand high tensile
    c.It is generally used in applications where the loads are principally
    d.The low cost of cast iron cannot justify the high cost of NDT
  11. To make by hand, machinery or by agency: To produce by labour and usally machinery, defines the?
    a.Manufacturing process
    b.Engineering process
    c.Machinery process
  12. Processing is one or more steps that change a Products?
    c.Chemical analysis
    d.Shape and Properties
    e.All the above
  13. Changing a material’s shape can be accomplished in which of the following states?
    d.Solid and Liquid
    e.All of the above
  14. Which of the following is an example of reshaping?
    d.All of the above
  15. The process of solidification during casting can be likened to that of the?
    a.Forging process
    b.Rolling process
    c.Welding process
    d.Extrusion process
  16. Reshaping of a material whilst in a plastic or semi-solid form is called?
    d.All of the above
    e.Rolling and Extrusion
  17. Which of the following could be referred to as an engineering material?
    d.All of the above
  18. Which of the following properties of a material can be used to predict the deflection of a certain size beam under known loads?
    a.Tensile strength
    b.Elastic limit
    c.Younges modules
  19. Which of the following must be considered when choosing an engineering material for a particular application?
    c.Mechanical properties
    d.Inspection costs
    e.Any of the above
  20. Which of the following could effect the properties of an engineering material?
    a. Composition
    b.Heat treated condition
    c.Crystal structure
    d.Composition and heat treated condition
    e.Composition, heat treated condition and crystal strucure
  21. Which of the following is classed as a chemical property?
    a.Electrical conductivity
    b.Thermal conductivity
    c.Corrosion resistance
    d.Machine resistance
  22. Which of the following is classed as a Physical property?
    c.Melting point
    d.All of the above
  23. A test designed to determine a materials castability would be classified as looking for a?
    a.Mechanical property
    b.Physical property
    c.Processing property
    d.Chemical property
  24. Internal forces acting upon imaginary planes cutting the body being loaded are?
  25. A stress caused by forces at an angle to the plane is known as a?
    a.Comprehensive stress
    b.Tensile stress
    c.Normal stress
    d.Shear stress
  26. A non-destructive test is usually classified as a?
    a.Indirect test
    b.Direct test
    c.Destructive test
    d.Indirect and direct test
  27. If a material is loaded until its elastic limit is exceeded, what condition will occur?
    a.The material may fracture
    b.The material may be work hardened
    c.The material will show no harmful effects
    d.The material may fracture and the material may be work hardened
  28. The ultimate strength of material is?
    a.Lower than the breaking strength for ductile materials
    b.Lower than the rupture strength for ductile materials
    c.The same as the breaking strength for brittle materials
    d.None of the above
  29. The modulus of elasticity is also known as?
    a.Stress’s modulus
    b.Young’s modulus
    c.Strain’s modulus
  30. Which of the following materials exhibits better compressive strength than tensile strength?
    a. Cast iron
    d.Concrete and wood
    e.All the above
  31. When a metal is very brittle which test is used to replace the tensile test?
    a.The shear test
    b.The transverse rupture test
    c.The compression test
    d.The endurance test
  32. Fatigue failure may initiate from?
    a.An area of corrosion
    b.An internal flaw
    c.A surface notch
    d.All the above
  33. Which of the following is a Notched Bar test?
    a.Tensile impact test
    b.Charphy test
    c.Izod test
    d.Charpy test and izod test
    e.All the above
  34. Hardness tests can be used to determine material?
    c.Heat treated condition
    d.All the above
  35. The superficial Rockwell test is carried out on materials that?
    a.Only allow very small surface blemishes
    b.Are very ductile
    c.Have very large surface areas
    d.None of the above
  36. Calculate the factor of safety given that a materials has a working stress of 15, 000 ibs per square inch and an elastic limit of 60, 000 lbs per
    square inch?
  37. Which of the following is a notched bar test?
    d.Charpy and Izod
    e.All of the above
  38. To what angle should a bend test be normally bent?
    a.180 degrees
    b.150 degrees
    c.90 degrees
    d.None of the above
  39. Which of the following is a hardness test?
  40. Stresses that act along or parallel to a plane are known as?
    a.Shear stresses
    b.Tensile stresses
    c.Compressive stresses
    d.All of the above


  1. All the above
  2. Multi directional
  3. A discontinuity
  4. A defect
  5. All the above
  6. Fracture mechanics
  7. A defect
  8. Elastic deformation
  9. At low temperatures
  10. It is generally used in applications where the loads are principally comprehensive
  11. Manufacturing process
  12. Shape and Properties
  13. All of the above
  14. Forging
  15. Welding process
  16. Rolling and Extrusion
  17. Plastic
  18. Younges modules
  19. Any of the above
  20. Composition, heat treated condition and crystal strucure
  21. Corrosion resistance
  22. All of the above
  23. Processing property
  24. Stresses
  25. Shear stress
  26. Indirect test
  27. The material may fracture and the material may be work hardened
  28. The same as the breaking strength for brittle materials
  29. Young’s modulus
  30. All the above
  31. The transverse rupture test
  32. All the above
  33. Charpy test and izod test
  34. All the above
  35. Only allow very small surface blemishes
  36. 4
  37. Charpy and Izod
  38. 180 degrees
  39. Rockwell
  40. Shear stresses